j galligan

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March 28, 2011 1:23 pm

I am a good example of what the administration refers to as a “small business” A one truck operation that seems to constantly on guard in order to comply with a myriad of govt regs in order to be compliant. what may be compliant in one state is not compliant in the next, never could understand that one. safety seems to be a word that is being used if the govt has an agenda that needs to be pushed thru congress in order to “pin a rose” on some politicians lapel. i would love to extend an open invitation to any one on the hill to spend a full day with me to see what safety really means. too many road signs to read, poorly maintained roads, texting drivers, in use dvd players, computers in use, gps,cell phones, radar detectors, cb radios, xm radios , overhead or roadside… more »

…electronci info boards, restricted lanes , cpap machines if youre fat, 17″necks “great if your in the cpap business, auxilliary power units at 9000.00 a copy many of which are no longer in business be cause california said these machines wer e not commpliant. and finally the onboard hours of service recorder. her goes the feds spending my money again. why should i, a compliant driver pay for the sins of a few, i do not favor this proposed legislation but like everything else, big business will profit from this and another small business goes down the drain. ps do airline pilots use cpaps? « less
March 29, 2011 6:11 pm

Do you think that requiring EOBRs automate some of the tasks truck drivers have to do is enough remove some of these distractions and increase safety? If not, then how could FMCSA improve the proposed requirement for EOBRs so that drivers are less distracted and more compliant, but also aren’t overly burdened by more regulation?

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